Snowmobile riding tips for beginners
If you're new to snowmobiling, 你可能不太熟悉登山路上的所有准备工作. Consider these simple tips to help you stay safe as you start out.
Before you head out on your snowmobile
- Contact your insurance agent 回顾你的骑行历史,并讨论如何帮助保护自己与 snowmobile insurance.
- Check your state and local requirements regarding licensing, safety certificates and any additional training.
- Register your snowmobile 并检查您当前的注册贴花是否已应用.
- Inspect your fuel and fluid levels along with the overall condition of your machine.
- Review the weather forecast 在你开始一天的工作之前,要注意这两点 temperature and the wind chill.
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Snowmobile gear
- Wear appropriate cold weather gear such as a snowmobile suit, snow bib, jackets, and gloves to cut the wind, repel water and allow ventilation. 你也可以考虑多穿几层衣服,因为白天气温会变化.
- Face or ski masks巴拉克拉法帽,也被称为巴拉克拉法帽,可以帮助保护你的脸和脖子. 尽量避免戴围巾,因为它们很容易缠在东西上.
- Try gloves or mittens with removable liners. Removing the liners can help the gloves dry faster, 但也可以作为轻便手套自行使用. 如果天气太热,你也可以把贝壳当作第二副手套.
- Consider hand warmers in gloves and boots.
- Wear a helmet 符合交通部目前的认证标准. 在你的护目镜或头盔遮阳板上使用防雾喷雾,这样你的视力就不会在骑行时受到损害.
- Bring a cellphone in case of emergency. 记得在上路前给它充满电.
Snowmobile riding tips
Below are some basic riding techniques.
- When riding uphill, kneel and lean forward. Maintain your speed until you get to the top.
- When riding downhill, stay seated as far back on the seat as possible. 保持低速档,每隔几秒钟就用力踩刹车. 让上坡的骑手在下山之前超过你.
- Lean into turns to gain more control. 把更多的身体重心放在前面和转弯中,保持内侧板在地面上的牵引力.
- If you must stop,尽量向右转弯,尽量不要在山上或弯道上停下来.
- If you have to cross a road这不是一个真正的雪地摩托穿越,选择一个两个方向都有良好能见度的地方. 完全停下来,在过马路前看看两边. 慢慢向前开——你的雪地车在人行道上行驶会有不同的感觉.
- Only carry a passenger if your snowmobile is built for it. 乘客会改变重心,驾驶感觉也会不一样. 要让你的乘客知道要和你一起转弯,并时刻抓紧.
Snowmobile safety on the trail
- Know the area. 研究路线地图,熟悉骑行路线是一个好主意,这样你就可以更好地为潜在的危险做好准备. 新下的雪尤其危险,因为它覆盖了路上可能存在的障碍,或者会降低能见度.
- 注意私人土地和公共步道之间的区别. 注意区分的标志,或者向当地的自然资源部门查询,你将在哪里驾驶雪地摩托.
- Travel with other snowmobilers 让家里的人知道你要去哪里,什么时候回来. It's not a good idea to go alone.
- Use good judgment and don't be overconfident while riding.
- Don't follow others too closely, and learn hand signals with your group.
- Watch for hazards such as trees, barbed wire and other snowmobilers. Again, 要注意在有标记的道路上专为雪地摩托而设的标志, such as stop ahead or yield.
- Ride sober.
- Go slower at night.
- Ride on the right side of the trail.
- Bring a snowmobile backpack 并在里面装满哨子、照明弹、防水布、收音机、急救箱、水和不易腐烂的食物. 如果你计划长途旅行,带上铲子、保暖毯子和生火的用品.
做好准备并记住这些简单的雪地摩托小贴士可以帮助你在旅途中保持安全并玩得开心. 当季节结束时,看看这些雪地摩托的储存技巧吧.